Descontos imperdíveis em e-books exclusivos!

Galeria de E-books

Explore nossa coleção de e-books sobre tecnologia e desenvolvimento pessoal.

A collection of various books arranged vertically on a white shelf, including titles related to mindfulness, personal development, and self-help. The books have colorful spines and varying thicknesses, creating a visually interesting display.
A collection of various books arranged vertically on a white shelf, including titles related to mindfulness, personal development, and self-help. The books have colorful spines and varying thicknesses, creating a visually interesting display.
A stack of self-help and motivational books with colorful covers is neatly arranged. The titles include 'The Power of Now', 'The War of Art', 'Mindset', 'The Miracle Equation', and 'Your Best Year Ever'.
A stack of self-help and motivational books with colorful covers is neatly arranged. The titles include 'The Power of Now', 'The War of Art', 'Mindset', 'The Miracle Equation', and 'Your Best Year Ever'.
A stack of various books is neatly piled on a dark background. The titles of the books focus on topics such as business, personal development, leadership, and psychology. In front of the stack lies a wooden board with a letter 'R' engraved on it.
A stack of various books is neatly piled on a dark background. The titles of the books focus on topics such as business, personal development, leadership, and psychology. In front of the stack lies a wooden board with a letter 'R' engraved on it.
A person is holding an e-reader device, reading text from it. The background is soft and out of focus, giving a cozy and calm ambiance.
A person is holding an e-reader device, reading text from it. The background is soft and out of focus, giving a cozy and calm ambiance.

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A stack of books is placed on a table with various titles visible, ranging from business negotiation and success strategies to creativity and philanthropy. The books are neatly arranged and the background includes another stack of books slightly out of focus.
A stack of books is placed on a table with various titles visible, ranging from business negotiation and success strategies to creativity and philanthropy. The books are neatly arranged and the background includes another stack of books slightly out of focus.